What Is Your Sugar IQ? Please send us your answers to these questions and you will be entered into our drawing to win a FREE Nutrition Consultation, Evaluation and Body Mass Index [...]
6 Risk Factors For Diabetes
6 Risk Factors for Diabetes THIS IS… “NATIONAL DIABETES MONTH” Can this be possible?.. Recent statistics have shown that 2/3rds of Americans are overweight or obese and that 30% of American children [...]
Create Healthy Breast Care with Homemade Deodorant
Create Healthy Breast Care with Homemade Deodorant Does your deodorant contain… Aluminum- the primary ingredient in most deodorants linked to BREAST cancer and Alzheimer's disease? Parabens- a preservative believed to upset our [...]
The 12 Key Benefits of Dry Brushing Your Skin
THE 12 KEY BENEFITS OF DRY BRUSHING YOUR SKIN The skin is our body’s largest organ and has a vital role in taking in and ridding the body of nutrients and toxins. [...]
Is Iodine Needed For Breast Health?
IS IODINE NEEDED FOR BREAST HEALTH? Without adequate iodine levels, life itself is not possible. What correlation is there between iodine and your breasts? The breasts are one of the body's [...]
Thermal Imaging For Breast Health??
Thermal Imaging Screenings with Sherri Thermal Imaging can save lives! Can detect precursors to cancer 8+ years before seen by Mammography. It’s Radiation, Compression & Pain Free. Think Prevention BEFORE Detection!! Full [...]