Sugar Coated Brain?

4 Strategies For Brain Power

Yum, the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies or cinnamon rolls. Tastes good, BUT the overindulgence of sugar and grains is now being linked to changes in brain health including memory loss, inability to concentrate, brain fog and senile dementia which is now being called diabetes type 3. Your diet today plays a significant role in your cognition for tomorrow.  A new study has revealed the overloading of carbohydrates and sugar contributes to problems in judgment, thinking and language over time, however, protein, healthy fats and fermented vegetables were brain protective.


The consistent overload of high levels of insulin eventually cause its insulin signaling to shut down which can lead to permanent brain damage. This drop in glucose to your brain cells may lead to degeneration and cognitive impairment as your brain also produces insulin.  We are now seeing how the same process leading to Type 2 Diabetes may also be consistent for your brain.  Regularly eating more than 25 grams of fructose per day, will increase the risk of you developing Alzheimer’s as well as maintaining proper insulin levels.


Rule of thumb is not to exceed one gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. Your lean body mass can be calculated by finding out your percent of body fat and subtracting that from 100.  Then multiply that times your current weight to get your lean body mass.  If you need to reduce your protein, replace the calories with healthy quality fats as nuts, eggs, avocados, butter and coconut and olive oil.  A sugar coated brain is far worse than anything for your over-all health! 


  1. Keep your blood sugar low while you sleep by not eating for 3 hours before going to bed.
  2. Limit carbohydrates and stick to fiber-based vegetables. Eat healthy fats as mentioned above.
  3. DHA, a type of omega-3, can be supplemented through animal based omega-3 fats in your diet and vitamins. DHA is protective against fructose’s harmful effects on the brain.
  4. Since your gut is your “second brain”, it is vital to improve your gut bacteria by eating fermented vegetables and taking probiotics. Since neurons are found in your gut and brain, there is a link between your gut health, brain function and behavior.  A sugar coated brain with sugar coated gut is a bad combo.