Begin now forming new health habits so they are in place ahead of time.
Use your brain power to curb your food cravings. Cravings are linked to low serotonin & dopamine levels & a mental image to food. Therefore, we choose foods high in sugar and fat to satisfy our emotional needs and calm stress.
Cravings are set off by association so: as you are rushing around shopping avoid passing your favorite ice cream shop, avoid fast-food restaurants especially with the color red, eat a healthy meal before hitting the stores and bring snacks with you (bag nuts, fruit, veggies, etc), set new meal rituals (ie desserts after dinner??), find your triggers and avoid them when possible.
Delete the word “DIE”t and CHEATING from your vocabulary.
Curb cravings by:
1. Never skipping a meal, eating lean protein, beans, fruit, veggies, healthy grains
2. Keeping a journal of food triggers
3. Being in the moment when eating (no tv, phones, etc and take 3 breaths between bites)
4. Arrange a massage
5. Meet a friend for coffee or tea
6. Reading/seeing a movie
7. Walking, hiking or other form of exercising
8. Out of sight out of mind-so buy a single sized item so you only eat one
Holiday challenge
Set your family or individual goals on balancing: stress, exercise, eating and getting your sleep.
Iris Rosenfeld, DC 25255 Cabot Rd Ste 110 Laguna Hills, Ca 92653