Chiropractic Care for Infants 1

Chiropractic Care for Infants & Children

Chripractic Care for Infants & Children. . .Breakthrough Potential in Your Child’s Learning

It is not unusual for parents to seek the care of Dr. Iris Rosenfeld and her team of experts for chiropractic are for children. Young children often have health and learning issues that can be helped directly by Dr. Iris due to her expertise in nervous system disturbances. The spine, brain and all the nerves of the body make up the nervous system, and any disturbances or malfunctioning can result in needing care for a number of ailments, including learning. Very gentle and precise manipulation/mobilization on a child can create good health and improve learning as it clears the pathway for the body to communicate via the nervous system and operate the way it was intended.

A few conditions that may be improved drastically with chiropractic care for children:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Repetitive falls
  • Auto injuries
  • Infertility – Blesses adults with the child they have always wanted!
  • ADHD – Reducing nervous system disturbances has helped prior to psychotropic drugs!
  • Bed wetting – Can help cure bladder control with clearing nervous system dysfunction
  • Asthma – Elimination/reduction of attacks are possible by clearing pathways in the lungs
  • Learning easier and quicker

Dr. Iris Rosenfeld and her staff do not seek to treat these ailments directly; instead they take a systematic approach towards healing the nervous system and improving the nervous systems communication with the rest of the body.

Set up a Consultation with Dr. Iris Rosenfeld to discuss the many chiropractic care for children options available at her office. Some other treatments may also include: Cold Low Level Laser as well as Eyelights. Check out her blog on: “Red Blinking Lights” Eyelights For Every Brain.

Give your child the opportunity to flourish academically and emotionally with the latest breakthroughs in learning.

We Love Our Clients!

Thank you for taking the time to read these reviews.

I've never quite felt that before any health practitioner that I can remember

"Just want say thank you for the extraordinary commitment I feel from you to my getting better. I've never quite felt that before any health practitioner that I can remember."


I experienced miraculous results after visiting Dr. Rosenfeld.

"My back for no apparent reason was so painful.  I couldn't move.  After two days in bed a friend recommended I see Dr. Rosenfeld.  I could barely drive or sit when I came in.  This had happened several times in the past twenty years.   A medical doctor had given me muscle relaxers only.  They weren't all that helpful but over time and with restricting activities I got better.  I experienced miraculous results after visiting Dr. Rosenfeld.  I am able to do more than before in movement and strength with no pain, my whole outlook each day is more positive and I feel more energized."

- GW

Dr. Rosenfeld is a very loving and generous doctor.

"Dr. Rosenfeld is a very loving and generous doctor.  I highly recommend her. She is always studying and learning new ways to help her clients.  Dr. Rosenfeld has a very long list of techniques that she can offer to help.  Dr. Rosenfeld is high energy and fun and an inspiration.  I am grateful that my 19 yo son is her patient since I want him to meet motivated professionals."


I no longer feel frazzled or out of sorts.

"I had neck pain that I had suffered from since a car accident in June of 2005.  I suffered with this pain everyday - sometimes mildly and sometimes more severely.  Also, my adrenal glands were shot and I was feeling a lot of stress.  I had been seeing another chiropractor for about a year with little results.  My pain never really went away despite facet blocks, trigger point injections and physical therapy.  My mother told me about Dr. Rosenfeld and I made an appointment.  My neck is feeling so much better.  My flare-ups are few and when they do occur Dr. Rosenfeld resolves them quickly.  The DSF supplement has helped me tremendously.  I no longer feel frazzled or out of sorts.  Thank you!!!"

- JH

I have experienced relief, blessed relief!

"I have neck pain.  I recall various incidents that triggered it… reaching into a desk drawer, sleeping on a new pillow, etc.  I have seen other chiropractors and some helped and others didn't.  My mom introduced me to Dr. Rosenfeld and I have experienced relief, blessed relief!"

- IP

I love coming into this office.

"I had tremendous pain in my lower back and neck.  I could barely walk or even function normally before I came to see Dr. Rosenfeld.  I had this condition on and off for years, but never to this degree that caused me to finally seek professional help.  I was given Vicodin, Soma and Naproxin by a regular family physician.  The medication only temporarily took away my pain.  I never had any other treatment other than a physician who prescribed me these medications.  One of my husband's friends spoke very highly of Dr. Rosenfeld so I called her.  I have gotten great results!!! I am finally recovering from my back/neck injury.  Dr. Rosenfeld and her entire staff have been extremely caring and helpful.  I love coming into this office."

- MG

Since seeing Dr. Rosenfeld, I have had progressive improvement

"I first came into the office in January 2008. I had a chronic issue with burning tightness in the right hip, extending to the middle back. It began about 10 years ago. I believe it was progressively getting worse but started with having a more sedentary job. It was not debilitating, but was annoying most of the time. I had been to my family doctor, an orthopedist, and another chiropractor. With the other chiropractor I had moderate results. The MDs had little to offer and no idea how to help. I found this office via a web search on the internet. Since seeing Dr. Rosenfeld, I have had progressive improvement, but the supplemental therapies have been both helpful and entertaining."

- Mike

The results were truly outstanding after only a few weeks of treatment.

"I developed lower back pain following very light work in my garden!  The condition had been underlying since a recent flight from New York.  I had previously had a similar episode over 10 years ago.   The back pain was preventing me from carrying out most of my daily living events.  I needed immediate help on a Saturday morning and found Dr. Rosenfeld through a Google search on the internet.  The results were truly outstanding after only a few weeks of treatment.  I was well on the way to recovery assisted by a new "toolbox" of exercises provided by Dr. Rosenfeld.  I am now fulfilling the majority of my daily living events - even cleaning my car.  My goal is now to resume my jogging routine which my back condition has prevented me from doing."

- SW

Dr. Rosenfeld has given me lasting relief from pain

"In 1982 I was catapulted from a motorcycle causing whiplash, neck and low back injuries.  Many years of an untreated condition and compression created much pain, discomfort and subluxation.  After seeing another chiropractor for 15 years it was time for a change.  During those 15 years I had many visits and physical therapy that gave me temporary pain relief and muscle toning and strenuously.  Temporary relief.  I was referred to Dr. Rosenfeld by Barbara Anderson who is a Rolfing therapist.  Dr. Rosenfeld has given me lasting relief from pain and the ability to maintain a longer adjustment much and I have much gratitude and appreciation!"

- NP

I was really impressed with the advanced equipment and techniques

"In April of 2008 I was struck by another car while driving and felt my neck snap and muscles in my upper body pull and tear. When I woke up the next day I had a migraine and was so stiff I could not walk. Dr. Iris saw me immediately and began working on me. I was really impressed with the advanced equipment and techniques she uses on accident victims. She eliminated my headache in the first visit and got me walking without pain quickly. I would never see or recommend another chiropractor as long as Dr. Iris is still practicing. She is such a wonderful person and talented professional."

- B. Davis
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