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Regular chiropractic treatments can help insure your symptoms lesson and your problems don’t come back, keeping your body functioning at its prime level.

Chiropractic treatments maintained on a consistent basis are necessary to ensure proper functioning of your skeletal system just like eating healthfully and exercising are necessary to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Once chiropractic treatments become a consistent part of your lifestyle, you can avoid much of the pain and suffering so many others endure without the proper care and you will once again be able to participate in more activities you enjoy on a more frequent basis.

I experienced miraculous results after visiting Dr. Rosenfeld.

"My back for no apparent reason was so painful.  I couldn't move.  After two days in bed a friend recommended I see Dr. Rosenfeld.  I could barely drive or sit when I came in.  This had happened several times in the past twenty years.   A medical doctor had given me muscle relaxers only.  They weren't all that helpful but over time and with restricting activities I got better.  I experienced miraculous results after visiting Dr. Rosenfeld.  I am able to do more than before in movement and strength with no pain, my whole outlook each day is more positive and I feel more energized."

- GW

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