
Many chiropractors believe that getting rid of symptoms is the simplest part of patient care. However, the chances of the symptoms returning are much higher if all the chiropractor does is temporarily relieve the pain and then stop care.

Even if the symptoms disappear, necessary precautions remain and you should still receive treatments as a preventative measure. The restorative/corrective phase of care does not mean you have to receive adjustments as often as the original phase. You may begin stretches and exercises at home or in our office to assist in speeding up your healing.

Mild flare-ups are normal and should not be a cause for concern. Occasional flare-ups typically appear because one’s body is still in a phase of healing. Corrective care can last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years depending on the severity of a patient’s condition.

I love coming into this office.

"I had tremendous pain in my lower back and neck.  I could barely walk or even function normally before I came to see Dr. Rosenfeld.  I had this condition on and off for years, but never to this degree that caused me to finally seek professional help.  I was given Vicodin, Soma and Naproxin by a regular family physician.  The medication only temporarily took away my pain.  I never had any other treatment other than a physician who prescribed me these medications.  One of my husband's friends spoke very highly of Dr. Rosenfeld so I called her.  I have gotten great results!!! I am finally recovering from my back/neck injury.  Dr. Rosenfeld and her entire staff have been extremely caring and helpful.  I love coming into this office."

- MG

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