6 Injury-Preventing Tips For Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning can be an opportunity to declutter and refresh your living space, but it’s
essential to take precautions to avoid injury.

Here are six tips to prevent back and neck pain
while cleaning.
1. Warm-up
Before starting any cleaning tasks, warm up your body with light exercises, such as stretching, to
prepare your muscles for physical activity.
2. Use proper lifting techniques
When lifting heavy things, use your legs instead of your back. Hold the object close to your body
to reduce the strain on your back.
3. Take frequent breaks
Prolonged standing or bending can strain your back and neck. Take breaks every 20-30 minutes
to stretch, walk, or change positions.
4. Use ergonomic cleaning tools
Look for cleaning tools that reduce strain on your back and neck, such as lightweight vacuums
or mops with adjustable handles.
5. Maintain good posture
Whether standing or sitting, maintain good posture by keeping your back straight, shoulders
relaxed, and feet flat on the ground.
6. Be mindful of your movements
Pay attention to your body movements while cleaning. Avoid twisting your body by pivoting
your feet to turn, reducing the strain on your back and neck.
Following these tips can prevent injuries while cleaning and make the most of your spring
cleaning efforts. Check out this infographic for more advice, and if you are experiencing
persistent pain or discomfort, call us