Before reading this, read information on:

What is Nitric Oxide in a previous article.

If your Nitric Oxide level is low, these 4 exercises below will help improve your level, along with other recommendations.

Nitric oxide is a molecule found in the inner layer of your blood vessels or endothelium. It transmits signals to cells in various systems of your body. When released through exercise, nitric oxide works its way into the smooth muscles and causes them to relax.

The Nitric Oxide Dump uses simple movements done in quick succession, providing benefits similar to longer workouts, but done in 3-4 minutes and repeated 3 times/day.

Once nitric oxide is released into your system, your blood vessels dilate to lower your blood pressure & it decreases the viscosity of your blood, thereby lowering your risk of platelet aggregation & decrease risks of cardiovascular diseases.

It helps moderate blood sugar spikes, by causing your muscles to open up easier and use the glucose right away instead of lingering in your bloodstream.

By doing this exercise, your mitochondria begin to produce proteins that keep your muscles performing at their peak level, slowing down age-related muscle decline.

In addition, the Nitric Oxide Dump can help increase lean body mass. By increasing muscle size, your body begins to burn more calories and fat which can help you achieve your weight goals easier and healthier. The Nitric Oxide Dump may also help:

  • Improve VO2 max:VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen your body can handle during intense exercising. The higher the VO2 max, the higher your stamina.
  • Target large muscle groups: Doing the exercises correctly will yield anabolic and metabolic benefits, improving weight and facilitating fat loss over time throughout your body.
  • Reduce insulin resistance: Research has shown that weight loss induced by working out has shown to significantly improve insulin resistance.

4 exercises: (do each exercise for set of 10, then repeat from beginning 3 times; altogether about 3 min)

  1. Squat with arms out in front -do set of 10 quickly and work up to 20
  2. Standing straight arms alternating in front to 90 degrees
  3. Standing arms to side up & down in a circle touching fists in front & above head
  4. Standing arms bent like a military press up in motion

Keep mouth closed & breathe through the nose.  Arms to side & will feel tingling, swelling in finger tips.

Iris Rosenfeld, DC 

23121 Plaza Pointe Dr Suite 150

Laguna Hills, Ca 92653     
