“Holistically Aligning You With The Tools To Empower Your Health”

If not now, when is the time to invest in your health and wellbeing?

“Can’t control the virus, but can control the host.”

To best prepare the body for viral attack, it is important to strengthen all areas of the immune system as much possible.

You can take action now to boost your immune protection and repair system, improve tolerance and reduce excess immune activity while decreasing infection intensity, if exposed.

An analogy can be made to cars struggling to make it up a steep hill (immune challenges). When some engines sputter, overheat and fail to get to the top, the failed engines were not officially the cause; it was an effect due to neglect and lack of care and maintenance. The car is comparable to our body, engine our immune system and the steep hill the virus. Tune your engine so it can perform optimally.

The healthier your lifestyle, the stronger your immune system. Augmenting your immune system capability reduces risks associated with any viral, bacterial, or other pathogen.

So, what makes some more at risk than others?


A “friendly host” is one in whom conditions are right for a pathogen to take up residence due to essential deficiencies.  On the other hand, an “unfriendly host” is one in whom a foreign pathogen finds it more difficult to get a foothold.

Most often, those with the worse outcomes from Covid-19 are generally over 70 with co-morbidities such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance and chronic lung pathology (air pollution and/or smoking tobacco/vaping, etc), neurological symptoms and autoimmune conditions.

Findings are suggesting that BMI and increased leptin impairs the body’s ability to clear SARS-Cov-2 before pneumonia develops.  Aging & obesity share numerous causative mechanisms largely linked to dysfunctional adipose tissue, such as metabolic dysfunction, multiorgan damage, endocrine disruption, impaired immune function, and chronic inflammation. The obese population have more adipose tissue & consequently higher ACE2 levels. The presence of ACE2 may enable entry of SARS-CoV-2 into adipocytes, making adipose tissue an important viral reservoir.

In addition, an increase in visceral fat, which is the fat surrounding our organs, vs subcutaneous fat, stimulates inflammation & damages cognition.  The appearance of bacteria in the lungs of obese and diabetic patients promotes interactions between viral and bacterial pathogens!

Also, we have heard of silent carriers; those that have the virus but do not have symptoms, or very mild symptoms.  The question is why?

There may be many reasons however, it is very possible these silent carriers have an immune system that is operating sufficiently to ward off the virus.

While medical conditions are increased in the older population, birth age is not important; functional age is. The elderly are only more at risk to the extent they have co-morbidities.

The same risk factors affect many younger individuals as well. (For those concerned about co-infections and lung surfaces that are more hospitable to viral ‘docking,’ the same co-morbidities are found).

A virus is not alive and therefore hard to kill. Once inside a cell, a virus can make 10,000 copies of itself within hours. Within a few days, an infected person will carry hundreds or millions of viral particles in every teaspoon of blood.

 In other words: “They break into your home, eat your food, use your furniture and have 10,000 babies. And then they leave the place trashed.”

Short Video on the Innate vs Adaptive Immune System:

Immune System – Bing video

The 10 recommendations below are known to boost your immune defense and repair system, reduce infection risks if you are exposed, thereby making you more “unfriendly.”


Thirty to forty minutes of heart-pumping activity 3 or more days per week is ideal, but shorter and less vigorous daily activity is important too.

The goal is about 30 minutes of moderate activity that can be broken up throughout the day as long as your heart rate is elevated a bit.

Also, keep in mind to move your body regularly as the surge in our immune cell activity ends soon after you’ve worked out.

Exercise boosts your infection-fighting immune cells which are the best ones you have.

On the other hand, if you do high intensity exercise 2-3 hours/day, this may decrease your immune system.

Some exercises to consider: brisk walking; swimming, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, resistance bands, free weights, machines, hiking, different sports, planks, side planks, bird dogs, squats, pushups, lunges, etc.

It is very important to keep in mind that movement helps to decrease cognitive decline.  If you have ever had a trauma to your brain, movement is the key!

Our office can create a brain balance program for you.


Try to find joy in everyday moments.  Stress is the #1 contributor to physical & emotional disease. It is what you experience when you believe you cannot cope effectively with a threatening situation.  It is a response by the body to a stimulus, which disturbs the normal physiological equilibrium.

With prolonged stress, our adrenal glands burn out leading to adrenal fatigue that affects all our systems leading to high levels of inflammation amongst other things.

If inflammation remains chronically high, your immune system is not able to work as efficiently to combat infections, sense pathogens and fight an actual attack.

Since stress is part of our everyday life, these are some things to consider:

Yoga, meditation,  socially distanced walk in nature with a friend, take a break from social media and limit time scrolling on your phone, turn off the negative news, read outside in the sun, journal & write everything on the left side of the page stressing you out and what you can do about it on the right side of the page, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Massage, Chiropractic Care, Aromatherapy, take a bubble bath and sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your shower walls to breathe clearly, watch comedy, create laughter, enjoy a movie or tv show,  do art, listen to music, garden, dance, call a friend and detox in an infrared sauna.

Whatever you choose from this list, be in the moment.

Whether you want to overcome stress eating, conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, advance your career, master a sport, enhance learning, get your body super fit or simply regain your health, immune system and vitality, BrainTap is for you!



Go to:

In other words, by relaxing and destressing, you will decrease your inflammation levels and avoid the negative effects on your immune system. 

Set a goal to aim for 15-20 minutes per day.



  1. SLEEP:


During sleep is when your body systems including your immune system restores and replenishes so they can function at its optimum. When sleeping your body releases a special group of proteins called cytokines. However, when not sleeping enough, you have fewer cytokines and a weaker resistance to disease.

How much sleep and what to do if you have difficulty sleeping can be found in great detail by reading this article written a few months ago:






Eating a healthy diet of organic, fruits & vegetables rich in antioxidants, with a rainbow on your plate, lean protein and healthy fats high in omega-3s are best for your immune system.

However, if your digestive system or microbiome is not healthy, it will cause your immune system to become weakened. Therefore, it is vital to promote a population of good bacteria in your gut.

Think about the choices you make on everything you put into mouth. Will it suppress or help your immune system? 

Bacteria and viruses are opportunistic and look for places to be happy.  If you have a strong immune system, they won’t grow. Does your body have what it needs to fight off infection?

Avoid these foods:

GPS: No Gluten, No Processed foods, No Sugar

(300 cal of sugar decreases your immunity by 50% over a 2 hour period)

DNA: No Dairy, No Nicotine, No Artificial Sweeteners

Anti-inflammatory diet: decrease grains and fried foods (ask us for more information)

Detect your food sensitivities by getting tested with the KBMO Food Sensitivity test:

We offer Food Sensitivity Testing that measure sensitivities up to 176 different foods, colorings and additives using the Food Inflammation Test, also known as the FIT Test.

The FIT Test is the most sensitive food test available using patented technology. It allows us to look at not only food sensitivities but also inflammation and gut permeability. It also provides best compliance tools including a personalized meal plan and a patient app.

Click here for more information:  Patients – KBMO Diagnostics

Eat these foods:

Diet for immune resilience: Make clean eating a priority

Proper diet = enhanced immunity vs Poor diet = impaired immunity

Wild SMASH fish (Sardines, Mackeral, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring)

  • Chicken soup
  • Snack -organic dark chocolate
  • Herbals -ginger, turmeric
  • Bone broth and fermented foods
  • Appropriate fluid intake
  • Organic coffee, tea
  • Oils –EVOO, (extra virgin olive oil) avocado, macadamia nut
  • Mushrooms -shiitake, reishi, chaga, turkey tail, maitake, oyster, lion’s main
  • Consider a time-restrictive eating plan (intermittent fasting) for 12-16 hours




For this particular recipe you need a juicer. It’s a fast, tasty way to get a whole lot of immune-supporting nutrients in a few sips.


Carrot, Orange, and Ginger Juice

– 4 Carrots washed

– 2 Oranges peeled

– 1 Small Knob of Ginger peeled


Nutritional suggestions are given for support & maintenance of the various systems of the body including the immune system.

We are providing information to empower you in your decisions and give ideas for nutritional support to maintain the car so that when challenged, it can make it up the hill.

When the immune system is robust, it can be called into action when needed, ultimately leading to optimal function and health.

Below are some suggestions to consider:

ColostrumSovereign Laboratories – Dr. Iris Rosenfeld

Lauricidin- What Is Monolaurin – Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects | Dr. Pompa

Some other products to consider:

Olive leaf extract, Elderberry extract, Astragalus, Echinacea, Vitamin C, A, D3 w/ K2, Zinc, Goldenseal, NAC /Glutathione, Melatonin, Probiotics, Selenium, Omega-3- fatty acids, Pro-Resolving mediators, Elderberry, Ginger, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Curcumin, Boswellia, Aloe Vera, Sulforaphane, Lycopene, Nitric Oxide Mixed Mushrooms, Pomegranate, Green Tea Extract, Lipoic Acid

The nutritional approach addresses the root cause rather than symptoms. Better nutrition provides nutritional essentials for proper functioning of the immune system.

We can recommend a program for your dietary needs, support your return to health & aim to prevent further illness, per your individual lifestyle.

Some of the synergistic blends of products we use above are found here:

Nutri-West(R) Official Site






Natural Z Pak, Exposure Protection Pak or Immune Support Bundle: Contains numerous immune-boosting bacteria, virus-killing herbs, and health-fortifying nutrients.  

Ask us which is best for you.


Optimal Zinc-Oxy Spray:  Nutritional support for immediate nasal relief and viral protection.   For more information: Get Viral Protection Now

D.A.G. (Dierkers Antiseptic Germicidal) is a gargling agent with infection-fighting ingredients. DAG Solution is a clear liquid, made of Phenolated Iodine in Irish Moss Extract with Organic Borates.  DAG Solution is an extremely effective gargle for a sore throat.


Enhance healthier methylation by making dietary staples from garlic, ginger, onions, brassica, sprouts and eggs, the sulfur rich foods. Methylation is important for proper translation of genetic code, cell detoxification, and for proper cell protein synthesis. A healthy methionine to homocysteine ratio is suggested.

Want to discover your genetic predispositions to conditions or nutrient deficiencies which may increase viral susceptibility?

Cause obesity, blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance, cortisol dysregulation, elevated cardiovascular markers or lipid imbalances?

Cause anxiety, depression, inability to focus or fatigue?

Understand why you may be experiencing diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain or food intolerances, plus lots more?

Toolbox Genomics is a data interpretation service. Genetic data is generated by a CLIA/CAPP certified lab and compared against hundreds of genetic markers that their research team has identified as significant.

In addition to the genetic data, you will answer a questionnaire. Answers to these questions will help further personalize your report.

It is important to note that genetics represent the potential foundation of you. However, your genetics alone do not determine everything about you.

How you and your environment interact with your genes will determine whether or not your genes are being expressed (e.g. your preference for black coffee or Lemon Heads).

Click here for more information:  Tool Box Genomics Test – Dr. Iris Rosenfeld


Wear your mask, especially around others; when in public and indoors consider a face shield too; keep 6 feet at a minimum away from others, wash your hands regularly with soap and water and lather while singing Happy Birthday; (let us know if you need specific details); use disinfectant sanitizers when unable to wash; use disinfectant spray on doorknobs, telephones, computers, and other “shared surfaces” regularly, keep your hands off your face-eyes, nose or mouth, increase Thymus function. (see below)

In addition to Laser Therapy at our office to improve thymus function do this at home:

1.Take a couple of deep, relaxing breaths. 2. Using your fingertips or side of your fist, tap up and down about 2-3 inches along your sternum, between and above your mammary glands. Do this for about 30 seconds daily or very often. The thymus is located behind the third rib, but any vibrations along the length of the upper sternum will stimulate it.  For more info:  How to Increase the Thymus Function (


Low Level Lasers stimulate the body’s light-sensitive components to produce an effect similar to photosynthesis in plants — the cells’ mitochondria are stimulated, encouraging the cell to produce more ATP naturally.

The use of Red and Violet Cold Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) safely and effectively treats a broader range of conditions offering unique anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. It produces different wavelengths to effectively target muscles and tissues stimulating different types of healing which provide greater treatment flexibility.

Based on peer reviewed studies, Low Level Laser is useful for Pathogens:

  • Naturally boosts the immune system without side effects
  • Has potent anti-microbial and anti-viral properties (for viruses, bacteria & harmful fungi)
  • Has been shown to target other virus strains/types
  • Can be used to pre-treat organ systems
  • Low level laser attenuates the cytokine storm at multiple levels
  • Reduces major inflammatory metabolites
  • Reduces inflammation without impairing lung function in acute lung injuries
  • Potential treatment for pandemic coronavirus infection
  • Laser saturates an area with O2 which makes the environment less hospitable for bad bacteria. Laser therapy also decreases intestinal inflammation.
  • Laser affects the action potential of a nerve. Laser is a systemic approach stimulating the body’s own processes to heal.
  • Safe, effective low-cost modality without side effects
  • Easy to use, non-invasive, heavily studied and FDA approved for other pathogens.

Must read recent article:

Light as a potential treatment for pandemic coronavirus infections: A perspective – ScienceDirect

This recent article cites that phototherapy has immense potential to reduce the impact of coronavirus diseases. Further evidence shows that the blue light inactivates several viruses, and in experimental animals, red and near infrared light reduce respiratory disorders, similar to those complications associated with coronavirus infection.

Vagus nerve stimulation using Low Level Laser

The Vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve of the autonomic nervous system and runs from the brain to part of the colon comprising sensory and motor fibers. The Vagus nerve operates mainly within the parasympathetic nervous system linking major organ activity to the brain.

Its 4 main functions are:

Sensory – providing sensory information from the throat, heart, lungs and abdomen Special sensory – providing taste sensation behind the tongue

Motor – providing movement for neck muscles so you can swallow and speak Parasympathetic – responsible for your digestive tract, respiration and heart rate functioning.

As you can see, it plays a crucial role when it comes to the well-being of your body!

Stimulating the vagus nerve using Low Level Laser therapy helps to restore homeostasis in the microbiota-gut-brain axis, and gut-lung axis, reduces inflammation, inhibits cytokine production, enhances motor and cognitive recovery and has neuroprotective effects.

Do you know someone who is a Long Hauler after having Covid?

If so, share all this information with them, as we have specialized protocols using our  Low Level Laser that can be of benefit in their healing process.






Virus, Bacteria, Allergens, Germs, Mold, VOC’s, Chemicals, and more are removed from your indoor Air, Surfaces, etc.

Reduce Your Environmental Toxic Burden and Enjoy Nature-Fresh Indoor Air and Surfaces:    Breathe Better, Sleep Better and Feel Better!

This Air & Surface Pro is not an air purifier but an air and surface scrubber.

Conventional air purifiers suck in the air to trap pollutants. This technology turns oxygen and humidity into hydrogen peroxide molecules, called peroxyls, that bind with mold, mycotoxins, bacteria, virus, dander, allergens, and other household contaminants and render them inert. Within minutes, every surface in your home or office – desk top, table-top, carpet, furniture, toy, computer- is effectively remediated of unwanted pathogens.

This NASA Space Certified technology has a 99.99% kill rate on some pathogens within as little as 15 minutes and a 99.9999% kill rate within an hour.

We have 2 of these machines running in our office.

For more detailed information and your special discounted rate go to:

ActivePure® Air & Surface Purification Technology – Dr. Iris Rosenfeld


“NASA Based Active Pure Technology Rapidly Eliminates 99.9% of Airborne Sars-Cov-2 Virus in FDA compliant Military Lab tests…. 

Click on this article below:






If you suspect you have COVID like symptoms, or you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive even if you have NO SYMPTOMS, you should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and quarantine until you know you are negative!


In addition, at the first sign of any symptoms of dry cough, fever, flu-like symptoms, cold, etc. begin saliva treatments below. The result will be faster if you begin the treatment at the first sign or symptom. However, if you did not know about this method when your symptoms began, start the treatment right away.

Collect a small sample of your early morning saliva in a small glass jar with a lid. Hold the jar in one hand and massage the immune system acupuncture points using the chart below, beginning and ending with point 1.  Massage for one minute, clockwise on each acupuncture point.  After completing one round of massage, put away the glass jar for 20 minutes, about six feet away from your body. After 20 minutes, take the jar, hold it in your hand, repeat the procedure once again. Repeat this procedure once every 20 minutes until the symptoms subsides. After each round of massage, drink about two to four ounces of water or as much as you can tolerate.

A child, under ten, can drink one ounce of water after each treatment. With each round of massage on these acupuncture points, the body will produce some toxins. Drinking water will help eliminate these toxins.

If your symptoms are from a regular cold, flu or influenza, when your acupuncture meridians get strong through your once every 20 minutes of massage, the meridians will clear the energy blockages from the infection. In a short period after that, you will be free of symptoms. Rest for 36 to 48 hours and avoid contact with others during that time or until you feel very strong and energetic.

You may need only 1 round of massage on these acupuncture points, others may need 3, 6 or up to 20 rounds of repetitions depending on: age, status of the immune system, degree of exposure to the virus, and other underlying factors involved with the person. Stop the massage when you stop having the symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, etc.

If you have any serious involvement with your heart and lung (Pacemaker, heart transplant, on breathing machine, etc.), please do not use this procedure without supervision by a trained practitioner.

Soothe a sore throat by brewing tea with slippery elm (Throat Coat Tea) -drink 4-6 cups/day. Gargle with salt water or D.A.G.solution (phenolated Iodine, Irish Moss Extract & Organic Borates), information given above.

Calm an upset stomach by cutting up 1-2 ” of ginger root into small pieces and boil in a quart of water for 10-20 minutes, cool, strain and sweeten or add mint.

Curb Congestion by warming your feet in a tub of hot water and soak a pair of cotton socks in ice-cold water. Take your feet out of the tub, put on the cold socks and a pair of dry, thick wool ones and leave on for 3 hours.

Leave a fever by taking a cold bath or drink cold water. If the fever tops 102 degrees with a stiff neck, lung congestion, etc. call your doctor to rule out a more serious infection.

Banish a cough by using the Hop plant-a muscle relaxer (1/4-1/2 tsp 2-3xs/day). Also, cut up 1 lemon, 1 orange, ½ grapefruit, 1 lime and boil in 2-3 cups of water…add honey to taste and sip.

Quiet a Cough-the chemical theobromine found in dark chocolate relaxes the vagus nerve which runs through the airways to the brain and triggers coughing. Try 2 ounces of 65% or more.

Lymph drainage techniques that can be shown to you by Dr Iris


Below is a time- tested old household remedy to clear virus and bacterial infections in the nasal passages as well as to help reduce shortness of breath and asthmatic symptoms.

In a large, heat proof bowl, pour steaming water. You can add nonallergic leaves, fresh flowers or dried, seeds, pollen, barks, tea bags, essential oils, tea tree oil, herbal essence, etc. and keep it covered for 2 minutes before starting. (When you use oils or herbal essence cool the water a little before adding the oil drops so the oils don’t evaporate quickly). Create a tent by wrapping a bath towel around your head and drape it over the outer rim of the bowl. Sit with your face about 1 to 1 1/2 feet away from the bowl. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and enjoy the relaxing steam. Try to inhale the steam through your nose and out through your mouth penetrating your nasal passages, face and neck for at least 5 minutes and up to 10 minutes.  Avoid scalding or burning. Never do this on small children under ten. You can also use Cinnamon bark, lemon bark, lemon leaves, lemon flowers, mint leaves, menthol, or lemon rind.

The hot air or steam coming from the hot water will heat up your nasal passages and help kill the viruses harboring in the nasal passages. Viruses can not survive in the hot surfaces for too long.

Technique for infants/ small children under 10: Take a pan with steaming herbal water in the bathroom and seat the child or infant a few feet away from the pan. Close all the doors and windows. Let the steam spread throughout the room. The vapor in the room will be sufficient to humidify the infant’s lungs to loosen up the phlegm and to destroy the viruses harboring in the infant’s nasal passages.

These herbs will work as therapeutic agents for adults and children:

Lemon leaves, lemon bark or flowers: Good to stop cough by opening up the nasal passages, throat, and larynx and eliminate phlegm.

Cinnamon: Helps to improve energy in weak children who are too weak to cough up the phlegm.

Menthol/Vicks and mint: Good to reduce sore throat.

Hibiscus: Eliminate toxins.

Lemon grass: Helps with pain in the face and sinuses.

After the steam inhalation, wrap the chest and neck area with a warm blanket or scarf for 20 minutes to maintain the warmth that induced by the steam inhalation. Give a warm drink to sip while sitting with the wrap. Do it twice a day for a couple of days, or more frequently (four to six times a day) as you need it until the symptom clear.

If you suspect you have COVID like symptoms, or you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive even if you have NO SYMPTOMS, you should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and quarantine until you know you are negative!


Questions on Vaccines?  Read article below:

Vaccines & Choices: Summary from Don Bellgrau, Professor of Immunology

Dr. Iris Rosenfeld



Not sure where to get tested for Covid-19?

  1. Contact your Doctor, Insurance Company or Urgi-Care center in your area.
  1. Go to: and look up OC Covid-19 Testing Super Sites
  1. Subscribe to Lisa Bartlett’s FREE newsletter to get detailed up to date Orange County information, including covid statistics and home testing options:

Sharing below the expertise of 2 Health Care Providers to improve your Immune System:

Meet: Brandon Drake:

“I’m a functional nutrition coach and therapeutic chef. I’m passionate about helping people optimize their metabolism, which is the ability to use the right foods to create stable energy. Just a few signs of a damaged metabolism are food cravings, constant snacking, fatigue, or weight loss resistance. By supporting your metabolism you’re also supporting your immune system helping to produce more immune cells to protect against infection.”

To learn more about Brandon, his health program, or his FREE HEALTH WEBINAR with a recipe guide giveaway go to     Phone: 626-374-2757


Meet: Morgyn Danae:

”My mission is dance healing and interdisciplinary support for women of all ages to heal their creative centers with self-love through:

Dance Therapy, Trauma Recovery, Core Recovery & Dance Conditioning-Core Strength

All dance and fitness levels available. We create a loving “bridge” back to your body, mind, spirit…”



Now is the time to take responsibility for doing everything we can to provide lifestyle health and immunity for ourselves and our families.  

Focus and reflect on what you’re doing, feeling, and being and spread the good with every action you take, word you say, and thought you have.

What can you change for the better, for the good of all, including yourself?

What is your why, your input, and your routine?

  1. YOUR WHY: What’s most important to you? What motivates you to get up and confront your day every day?
  2. YOUR INPUT: Instead of getting input on what is and isn’t working take the time to reflect on input and make adjustments, accordingly.
  3. YOUR ROUTINE: Your routine should be things that are measurable and quantifiable ( ie: diet and exercises). Measurable things can produce an optimistic mindset, result and growth.

Of these 10 steps above, make a goal for yourself to choose at least one or two items per month that can be incorporated into your lifestyle.

Imagine how much better your overall well being will be in one year from now!

Stay healthy and be proactive.  We will emerge stronger together!

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”    Jim Rohn


If you have any questions or need personalized assistance with any of the immune support suggestions above contact:

Dr Iris Rosenfeld

23121 Plaza Pointe Dr Suite 150

Laguna Hills, Ca 92653


949-380-7215 #

949-380-7649 Fax